This Week in Faith 9-20-19

Sanctification By Sibling: Seven Encouragements For the Parents Who Love Them

Every set of siblings goes through ups and downs in their relationship. As parents, it can be hard to know what to do or how to respond when things aren’t going well. We love our kids and we want them to love each other because we love them. When our kids fight we want to fix it. And there are things we can do to help cultivate healthy relationships in our home. But we also wait. We wait for them to mature, to grow in their ability to thrive in healthy relationships. And we wait for the Holy Spirit to shape their hearts and lives. This is not an easy process but there is hope and encouragement. Sometimes we just long for our kids to like each other, let alone love each other. Other times we are pleasantly surprised by the peace and joy that shows up in the midst of siblings. No matter what season you are in, there are some god words here for you.

Click here to read the article by Anna Meade Harris.

6 Ways to Bring Light to Heated Talks With Teenagers

Navigating difficult conversations with our kids never seems to go as smoothly as we hope it will. And as our kids get older, the conversations become more challenging and nuanced because they are learning to think more for themselves and distinguishing their beliefs from ours as their parents. In a lot of ways, this is a good thing. This is our job- to bring them to a place where they are able to think for themselves about faith and life so they can take ownership of these things for themselves. But there are plenty of opportunities for conflict along the way. Here are some helpful things to think about as we talk with, and even disagree with our kids about things. The author challenges us to “Resolve to be more interested in [our kids] than you are irritated by them.” This is really hard sometimes but its something I want to pray for God to do in my own heart. I hope it’s your prayer too.

Click here to read the article by William Smith.

An Open Letter to the Parent Who Has Lost a Child

Some of you may have lost a child. Others of you may be close to someone who has. What do we do if, or what would you do when, that terrible day comes? I was actually at a conference with Cameron Cole the week he got the call from his wife that their young son had died. We are not friends, just acquaintances that see each other maybe every other year. But over the last few years, I’ve gotten the chance to hear him speak, read what he writes, and talk to him briefly. I am always amazed at the ways Jesus has clung to him and sustained him through this tragedy. These are some poignant words from him for those who are walking through the same thing he has. And I think they are helpful for those who are walking with others through this as well. 

Click here to read the article by Cameron Cole.

VIDEO: 5 Essentials For Talking to Your Kids About Sex

No matter what age your kids are, this video gives some important things to remember as you start and continue these conversations with your kids. This is not just one big conversation you have when they are a certain age. It’s a regular conversation you should be having with your kids from the time they are young, starting with the first time your child asks you where babies come from. But one of the most important things he talks about are the things we can focus on in our own lives that will give the conversations we have more impact. No matter how old your kids are and where you are in this process, I hope this helps.

Click here to watch the video with David White.